Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Final Edit

Editing the Final Edit
All four of us tried to contribute equally to the editing of the thriller. Depending on college timetables, we all tried to make the majority of the editing a group decision where we all shared ideas. However sometimes this wasn't always possible therefore sometimes an individual focused on the editing, then somebody would later pick it up. Not all of the group had the most adavanced skills on Adobe Premier Pro, therefore we all had to experiment with the programme and researh certain things which we were unable to work out. For example, we wanted to make some of the clips darker to create more suspense and to fit the thriller opening convention, dark lighting and shading areas. Therefore we had to darken the clips, which non of us knew how to do. Therefore we researched how to do it on Youtube, because we all could see how it was done we all gained new skills throughout. The deadline for the Final Edit came closer than we imagined. Therefore towards the end we were slightly rushed for time to get the editing exactly how we wanted. Me, Emma and Kristina spent all of our time throughout the day to get it finished, we all stayed after college to insure it was how we wanted. The computers which were avalible to us to edit our thriller weren't always responding leaving a lot of time waiting for the programme to load and respond.

Re-filming for the Final Edit
After gathering feedback for our first draft, we took the comments into account and decided to re-film some of the footage to increase the overall quality of our thriller. We also wanted to improve the audiences experience when watching the thriller, therefore we added a bigger range of shots and angles to help increase tension and suspence, conventional of a thriller opening. We re-visited Attenborough Church numerous amounts of times. However being a group of 4 it was hard to find a suitable time which didn't conflict with other commitments, where we all had enough time to film. On the first day when we went back Emma was unable to come to attenborough which elongated how long it took to film as Me, Kristina and Louise all were actors in the thriller therefore we had to set the camera in position and then continue to film. The second time we went to Attenborough Louise was unable to attend, this raised a big issue for our thriller as she was an actor in the first shooting of the clips therefore leaving us with only two actors. The group were pleased with how the first shooting turned out therefore we didn't want to totally re-film the opening without Louise in it. Therefore we tried to get as many shots as possible which we still could use even though Louise wasn't there.

Feedback From First Draft
After uploading the video to our blogs the whole class did some peer assessment and gave eachother feedback on good points and areas which we could improve to make our thriller better.
After watching our thriller some of the feedback which suggests areas which we could improve includes:
  • Adding a sound track to help build tension
  • Make it longer so it covers the full 2 minutes of the opening
  • Make some of the shots more steady as some are slightly shakey
  • Adding more credits into the opening can help elongating it
  • Making some of the shots lighter as some are slightly dark
  • Give more suggestions of the links between the narrative and the shots in the opening
All of the feedback our group agreed with and we decided that to improve our thriller and to give create the best effects for the audience we were going to add in all of these things.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Editing the First Draft

In our group we all realised that we needed to be more organised and plan our out time so that we had plenty of time to re shoot and make suitable changes if we aren't happy with how our thriller has turned out. We realised that after the second time of shooting we didn't have as much time as we would have liked to edit our thriller and make the changes which we wanted to. However we still tried to get as much done as possible. Our group spent a lot of time deciding on what to do regarding the transitions, we used a lot of quick cuts, as they are conventional of a thriller opening sequence. We also used a fade at the beginning between the gravestone and the establishing shot of the church. Also adding in the titles we decided on a font and how they will interact with the scene. After the group decided we uploaded our first draft onto Youtube then uploaded it onto our blogs.

Second Shooting

Because the first set of shots which we collected from Tutbery castle weren't as good as what we wanted them to be we decided to re-shoot to get better shots to add to our thriller. As Tutbery Castle is hard to get to regulary as it is a fair drive away from us, we had to think twice about shooting there and just changing our location totally. After brainstorming other places which we could use, where the storyboard could stay the same instead of having to make changes to the actual story as well as the location. We decided to go for Attenborough Church to re-shoot our thriller as it is local to us so it is easy to get to if we need to go back again in future.

New location
Even though we hoped to set our thriller at Tutbery castle as we thought the shots would be really effective, however because the shots didnt work, we decided to go for a local church, which although isn't the same as Tutbery would still collect some effective shots. As the church was locked we couldn't collect any inside shots from the church, this creates some problems as the mise en scene is obvious if set somewhere else than a church. The inside shots we did at Emma's house and we did birds eye view shots so we didn't get the background in so it wasnt obvious of where we were, and that we werent in a church.


The props that we used included a candle, the matches which are next to it in the photo we will use to light the candle. The ouija board which is shown in our story board will be a quick flash shot with a glass running over it. There will also be a simliar shot for when the table tipping. The picture bottom left is the table that we will use for this. The final photo of the glass will be in numerous shots when they run over the ouija board and the table.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Filming Day 1

Me and Emma went to Tutbery Castle to record as many shots as possible for our thriller. As the setting which we wanted to film our thriller was about an hour away, our group was planning on going to the Tutbery Castle, filming as much footage as possible then editing what we have afterwards. However we faced some problems which meant it was not possible to get all the footage we needed for our entire clip.

We took many shots which would be very effective and were suitable for what we wanted in our thriller. Unfortuatley the footage that we took, when put together wouldn't work.
When we arrived at Tutbery Castle the camera which we had at the time had run out of battery, therefore only allowing us to do inside shots, of things such as the ouija board and glass moving. Because the camera was on charge we were unable to attach the camera to the tripod which meant we had to do all the shots hand held. For our thriller we werent aiming on having all footage done by handheld camera, like films such as paranormal activity. When the camera was charging we didn't want it to get too dark that we wouldnt be able to film anything of the outside as we had travelled to get there. Just for extra footage we decided to get some shots on a mobile phone, which had a good camera on it. Obviously this would also not attatch to the tripod, however we thought it would still work. However when we uploaded all of our footage onto the computer the footage which was on the phone was on its side, therefore once rotated was not the right proportions. Meaning it would be useless for our thriller as the footage from the different cameras didn't match, and were all shakey. Our group decided we were going to go re-shoot the filming again as we now knew what we needed to do to improve our footage. However, as the location which we chose to film in was exclusive and quite far away it was hard to find an oppourtunity to go back to Tutbery castle. Therefore the group started questionning whether we were going to need to change the location, but try and follow the same storyboard as the original.

Thursday, 3 March 2011


Me and Emma devised a questionnaire which we asked as many as people as we could find at the time, including the people in our class, teachers and friends. From the questionnaire we analysed the results and we will make suitable adaptations to the ideas about our opening to try and make it suitable for the target audience and what they prefer to see in the opening of a thriller. We presented our results in pie charts to make it clear which answers were the most popular.

1. Are you male or female?
After gathering the results for our questionnaire although the results were nearly equal between males and females there were slightly more males.

2. What age group do you fit into?
We asked people there age to try and determines who were most interesting in the thriller genre, therefore aiming our thriller towards them and what they prefer. From the 20 people who answered out results 15-25 year olds were the most popular group.

3. Is the thriller genre a genre which you watch regularly?
From the results we can see that more people watch thrillers quite often more than people who don't watch them often.

4. What sub-genre of thriller do you enjoy watching? (can choose multiple)
Popular choices from the group of people who we asked included horror, mystery and crime. Other choices however did not seem as popular which helps determines the sub genre which we should go for when filming our thriller.

5. Do you prefer to know the main story line in the first two minutes of the film or be left questioning?
Most people would prefer to have subtle hints into the main story line of the film instead of having it easily given away or being totally unknown.

6. Do you prefer more dialogue in the beginning of the film rather than just sound?
In the thriller genre sound is important to build tension for the beginning of the film. People in the questionnaire said they prefer there to be more sound in the opening rather than dialogue. Which will help build tension for our opening.

7. Is there a particular setting which you like a thriller to be shot in? (if yes please state where)
More people weren't particular about a certain setting. Most people suggested that they like settings which are unknown, to add mystery and tension.

8. Are there any particular factors which you like to see in the opening sequence to a thriller?
There were many suggestions to what people like to see in the opening sequence to a thriller. Suggestions included having a montage of clips, a lot of close ups to add mystery to the setting of where they are, quick snappy shots which creates excitement. The one which was suggested numerous time included the clip being mysterious and building tension for the rest of the film.

9. Name a thriller you particularly enjoyed watching.
People chose a range of different thrillers which they enjoyed watching, some of these included, Seven, Signs, Cloverfield, Paranormal Activity, Black swan, Fight Club and Case 39.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Codes and Conventions of the Thriller Genre
Each opening for each genre of film each follows certain codes and conventions of that inparticular genre, this helps set the atmosphere and foreshadows ideas about the storyline in the introduction of the film. In the thriller genre the codes and conventions which it follows helps build tension and suspense for the audience. Mise en scene, sound, music and editing all contribute to the atmosphere created for the audience. Some of the conventions which are included for the opening sequence of the thriller include:

  • Quick snappy shots which adds to the excitement for the rest of the film
  • Edits are quick, most often straight cuts, which make the opening fast paced and add to th e atmosphere for the opening
  • Music often is loud, and tempo increases throughout the opening until reaching a climax
  • the lighting is often dark, and usually creates shadows adding to the mystery of the thriller


Our group has decided to go with a paranormal thriller, so we have decided to go for an old castle as the setting for our thriller. Emma from our group's Mum owns a company called Haunted Happenings, so our group has decided to go for one of the venues which they hold there events. Tutbury Castle is where we will film, we have tried to base our storyboard around where were going to film even though we haven't visited the castle. Haunted happenings do ghost hunts including things like glass moving, ouija boards and table tipping. In the opening of our thriller we are going to include clips of this.

Ouija board
Table (for table tipping)
A candle and a match

Because our thriller is moslty based on paranormal activities we do not need many actors as they isn't a lot of dialouge or acting needed throughout the clip. However to build up tension we used some actors to establish the setting and the storyline of the thriller. The actors that we used included:
Lizzie Tye

Kristina Lowe

Louise Alvey