Editing the Final Edit
All four of us tried to contribute equally to the editing of the thriller. Depending on college timetables, we all tried to make the majority of the editing a group decision where we all shared ideas. However sometimes this wasn't always possible therefore sometimes an individual focused on the editing, then somebody would later pick it up. Not all of the group had the most adavanced skills on Adobe Premier Pro, therefore we all had to experiment with the programme and researh certain things which we were unable to work out. For example, we wanted to make some of the clips darker to create more suspense and to fit the thriller opening convention, dark lighting and shading areas. Therefore we had to darken the clips, which non of us knew how to do. Therefore we researched how to do it on Youtube, because we all could see how it was done we all gained new skills throughout. The deadline for the Final Edit came closer than we imagined. Therefore towards the end we were slightly rushed for time to get the editing exactly how we wanted. Me, Emma and Kristina spent all of our time throughout the day to get it finished, we all stayed after college to insure it was how we wanted. The computers which were avalible to us to edit our thriller weren't always responding leaving a lot of time waiting for the programme to load and respond.
Re-filming for the Final Edit
After gathering feedback for our first draft, we took the comments into account and decided to re-film some of the footage to increase the overall quality of our thriller. We also wanted to improve the audiences experience when watching the thriller, therefore we added a bigger range of shots and angles to help increase tension and suspence, conventional of a thriller opening. We re-visited Attenborough Church numerous amounts of times. However being a group of 4 it was hard to find a suitable time which didn't conflict with other commitments, where we all had enough time to film. On the first day when we went back Emma was unable to come to attenborough which elongated how long it took to film as Me, Kristina and Louise all were actors in the thriller therefore we had to set the camera in position and then continue to film. The second time we went to Attenborough Louise was unable to attend, this raised a big issue for our thriller as she was an actor in the first shooting of the clips therefore leaving us with only two actors. The group were pleased with how the first shooting turned out therefore we didn't want to totally re-film the opening without Louise in it. Therefore we tried to get as many shots as possible which we still could use even though Louise wasn't there.
Feedback From First Draft
After uploading the video to our blogs the whole class did some peer assessment and gave eachother feedback on good points and areas which we could improve to make our thriller better.
After watching our thriller some of the feedback which suggests areas which we could improve includes:
- Adding a sound track to help build tension
- Make it longer so it covers the full 2 minutes of the opening
- Make some of the shots more steady as some are slightly shakey
- Adding more credits into the opening can help elongating it
- Making some of the shots lighter as some are slightly dark
- Give more suggestions of the links between the narrative and the shots in the opening
All of the feedback our group agreed with and we decided that to improve our thriller and to give create the best effects for the audience we were going to add in all of these things.