We took many shots which would be very effective and were suitable for what we wanted in our thriller. Unfortuatley the footage that we took, when put together wouldn't work.
When we arrived at Tutbery Castle the camera which we had at the time had run out of battery, therefore only allowing us to do inside shots, of things such as the ouija board and glass moving. Because the camera was on charge we were unable to attach the camera to the tripod which meant we had to do all the shots hand held. For our thriller we werent aiming on having all footage done by handheld camera, like films such as paranormal activity. When the camera was charging we didn't want it to get too dark that we wouldnt be able to film anything of the outside as we had travelled to get there. Just for extra footage we decided to get some shots on a mobile phone, which had a good camera on it. Obviously this would also not attatch to the tripod, however we thought it would still work. However when we uploaded all of our footage onto the computer the footage which was on the phone was on its side, therefore once rotated was not the right proportions. Meaning it would be useless for our thriller as the footage from the different cameras didn't match, and were all shakey. Our group decided we were going to go re-shoot the filming again as we now knew what we needed to do to improve our footage. However, as the location which we chose to film in was exclusive and quite far away it was hard to find an oppourtunity to go back to Tutbery castle. Therefore the group started questionning whether we were going to need to change the location, but try and follow the same storyboard as the original.
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