Me and Emma devised a questionnaire which we asked as many as people as we could find at the time, including the people in our class, teachers and friends. From the questionnaire we analysed the results and we will make suitable adaptations to the ideas about our opening to try and make it suitable for the target audience and what they prefer to see in the opening of a thriller. We presented our results in pie charts to make it clear which answers were the most popular.

1. Are you male or female?
After gathering the results for our questionnaire although the results were nearly equal between males and females there were slightly more males.

2. What age group do you fit into?
We asked people there age to try and determines who were most interesting in the thriller genre, therefore aiming our thriller towards them and what they prefer. From the 20 people who answered out results 15-25 year olds were the most popular group.

3. Is the thriller genre a genre which you watch regularly?
From the results we can see that more people watch thrillers quite often more than people who don't watch them often.

4. What sub-genre of thriller do you enjoy watching? (can choose multiple)
Popular choices from the group of people who we asked included horror, mystery and crime. Other choices however did not seem as popular which helps determines the sub genre which we should go for when filming our thriller.

5. Do you prefer to know the main story line in the first two minutes of the film or be left questioning?
Most people would prefer to have subtle hints into the main story line of the film instead of having it easily given away or being totally unknown.

6. Do you prefer more dialogue in the beginning of the film rather than just sound?
In the thriller genre sound is important to build tension for the beginning of the film. People in the questionnaire said they prefer there to be more sound in the opening rather than dialogue. Which will help build tension for our opening.
7. Is there a particular setting which you like a thriller to be shot in? (if yes please state where)
More people weren't particular about a certain setting. Most people suggested that they like settings which are unknown, to add mystery and tension.
8. Are there any particular factors which you like to see in the opening sequence to a thriller?
There were many suggestions to what people like to see in the opening sequence to a thriller. Suggestions included having a montage of clips, a lot of close ups to add mystery to the setting of where they are, quick snappy shots which creates excitement. The one which was suggested numerous time included the clip being mysterious and building tension for the rest of the film.
9. Name a thriller you particularly enjoyed watching.
People chose a range of different thrillers which they enjoyed watching, some of these included, Seven, Signs, Cloverfield, Paranormal Activity, Black swan, Fight Club and Case 39.
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